Writing takes priority during your time with us.
You will begin the writing retreat getting to know your fellow retreaters as well as our guest speakers at a welcome event. Then you will spend two days in writing workshops learning about craft and discovering new techniques to apply to your writing. Our days in port will provide you with plenty of time to explore, write on a beach, discover a new treasure, or visit the spa. Whatever you like. This is your time. Your writing retreat.
Our last day of the cruise will focus on the business of writing, as we hear from experts in the industry like bestselling authors from both the Traditional and Indie worlds, as well as listen to what agents and editors have to say about the writing industry.
The best part about our writing retreat?
We keep the writing retreat small. So you are guaranteed a close working relationship with our speakers. Our speakers will be joining you throughout the retreat, giving you valuable access to their industry insights on your specific manuscript.
Are you ready to pitch? Our guest editor and agent is ready to listen.
Do you want to brainstorm an idea with a bestselling author? They are ready to help.
Do you need to relax on the deck by the pool and write? The deck is waiting and the pool is the perfect temperature.
Write. Rest. Retreat.
Accelerate your career and create an unforgettable experience.