Every writer, whether they’re starting the journey or standing atop the bestseller lists, feels like they suck at some point. Demeaning words fly through their mind: imposter, sucktard, fakeball, loser.
How writing workshops can conquer writerly fears
Writer’s block. Blank page paralysis. Fear of finishing. Fear of beginning. Fear of rejection. We’ve all been there in some form or fashion. But can writing workshops help you move past this stagnant state?
Guest Post: Writing and Traveling
I’ve always told my boys it’s a big wide world out there and to take every opportunity you can to travel. The experience broadens you. Helps you see things from a different perspective. Allows you an insight into how other people live, cultures, and amazing differences we all have. It rounds you out and helps give understanding to the world around you.
So, how do you bring this all these travel experiences into your writing?
Discovering Your Writing Tribe Through Writing Workshops
Through all the writing conferences and writing workshops I’ve attended over the years, I’ve never been to a single talk that teaches about handling rejection. Rejection’s a hard topic, especially when most of us would rather think about the potential success. Unfortunately, as authors, we’ve chosen to be involved in an industry that requires rejection…and for most of us, a boat-load of it!
Luckily, we have some great tools to deal with rejection.
Fighting the Borg with Writing Workshops
Have you ever watched Star Trek: The Next Generation? Every few years my husband and I re-watch the entire series. The plots are cheesy, the writing is not the greatest, and I’m constantly having to tell my husband that I don’t care what the red lights are called on the outside of the Enterprise. I … Read More
Once upon a time, there was a princess…
For Christmas, I found this really cool gift for my daughter. It’s called IlluStory by LuLu Junior, and it’s a kit for kids to make their own books, then send them off to be published. Pretty cool, right? (And don’t we wish it was that easy for adult writers?!) The kit comes with a How … Read More
6 Lessons On Overcoming Anxiety and Getting Back to Writing
I love guest posting at Jami Gold‘s wonderful writing craft blog. Does anyone else experience a first-of-the-year time of anxiety in which you feel you have to do ALL THE THINGS? It’s a fun time, full of hope for the coming year, but also all those things you are excited to dive into may cause … Read More
Smooth Sailing on Cruising Writers
by Julie Glover I’d been on two previous cruises and the land retreat in France hosted by Cruising Writers. But when the September 2017 cruise got scheduled, I said to owner Christina Delay, “I’m not going.” Then she said, “Lisa Cron and Angela Ackerman are going,” and I said, “Okay, I’m going.” How quickly she … Read More
The First Draft Jungle
I love posting over at the award-winning blog, Writers in the Storm. They have a plethora of wonderful resources for writers on writing craft and more, and they allowed me to talk about one of my favorite things: Creative Well-Being and Writing Retreats. This one is especially timely with NaNoWriMo just around the corner! Here’s … Read More
Girl Friday on a Writing Retreat
By Melinda VanLone This was my third experience with Cruising Writers, but the first time I’ve been on the “other” side, the help-organize-and-run-things side, and the first time I had an actual title on my name badge. Being Girl Friday meant I was the one who scheduled all the one-on-one sessions with the speakers, the … Read More